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1- Islamic central Tehran branch ,
2- Planning and Budget Organization
Abstract:   (55 Views)
The change and transformation of the economic growth of the regions is somewhat different from the national level due to the type and relationships of the previous and the previous economic sectors and their existing capacities. In a period of Iran that is facing the problem of international economic sanctions, Tehran province has experienced more stable growth compared to other regions and provinces. Therefore, identifying and measuring the origin and engine of economic growth of this province is important for national and regional policy making. Considering that improving the productivity of the entire economy is the result of improving productivity at the provincial level, it is necessary to measure productivity at the provincial level in order to monitor changes in productivity and formulate improvement plans and evaluate them. The results obtained from the measurement of productivity indicators in the period of 2018-2019 indicate that the average economic growth of Tehran province is 3.1% and 64.1% of production growth is provided through improving the productivity of all factors, while in at the level of the whole country, productivity has not played a role in providing economic growth. From another point of view, 29.5% of economic growth was due to more use of labor force, 6.4% was due to more use of capital, 12.1% was due to the growth of labor productivity and 52% was due to the improvement of capital productivity. Therefore, productivity have played a role as the driving engine of economic growth in Tehran province, and the experiences of this province (especially in the agricultural and service sectors, especially new services and startups) are useful for other regions. Another finding is that Tehran province is facing serious obstacles to increase productivity in the construction industry.

Type of Study: Case-study | Subject: economic development, regional economics and growth
Received: Sep 22 2024 | Accepted: Nov 30 2024

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