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1- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Systems, Higher Institute of Management and Planning Education and Research, Tehran, Iran ,
2- Institute for Management and Planning Studies
Abstract:   (183 Views)
This research investigates people's willingness to pay (WTP) for public transport improvements as part of transportation demand management (TDM) policies. The proposed transit improvements include measures such as decreased in-vehicle congestion and access time for buses and the metro, as well as improved bus reliability and decreased travel time. A set of stated preference (SP) online survey data was gathered to understand people's preferred modes of transport in hypothetical scenarios, and a nested logit model was utilized to identify the factors affecting mode choice and to estimate willingness to pay. The results demonstrated that reduced congestion makes buses and trains more appealing, and improved reliability makes buses attractive. Decreased access time has a positive impact on metro choice but does not significantly influence bus choice. In addition, improved bus travel time is a significant factor. The study also revealed that people are willing to pay 1.4 times more for improved congestion on the metro compared to buses. These willingness to pay values exceed current ticket prices. Moreover, the willingness to pay for improved bus reliability is close to the current ticket price.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: Jun 08 2024 | Accepted: Aug 26 2024

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