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Showing 1 results for Porkar

Abolfazl Shahabadi, Ali Moradi, Omid Porkar,
Volume 25, Issue 4 (Winter 2021)

This research attempts to determine the effect of electoral cycles (including election year, government ideology, coalition, and minority government) on the effectiveness of government in two groups of selected developing countries (group sample) and developed countries (control group) for the period 2002-2018 by using the panel data and generalized moment method. The results show that the effect of electoral cycles (including election year, government ideology, and coalition) on the effectiveness of government in both groups of selected countries is negative and significant, and the effect of the minority government on the effectiveness of government in both groups of selected countries is positive and significant. Moreover, the effect of control variables (including e-government and research and development expenditures) on the effectiveness of government in both groups of selected countries is positive and significant. However, while the effect of government size on the effectiveness of government in developing countries is negative and significant, but it is insignificant in the selected developed countries.

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