Volume 19, Issue 3 (6-2014)                   JEPR 2014, 19(3): 151-172 | Back to browse issues page

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jafarie F S, davoodi P. (2014). An Institutional Approach to the Structuralization of Power in the Domestic Arena to Achieve Resistive Economy. JEPR. 19(3), 151-172.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-1061-en.html
1- sahid beheshti university , mjafarie@yahoo.com
2- sahid beheshti university
Abstract:   (8501 Views)
Resistive economy as the ability of societies in adaptability and versatility in the face of shocks is viewed based on the institutional literature as an “Adaptive Efficiency”- that the amount of the effectiveness depends on the flexibility of the institutional matrix of the society. The power structure is one of the most important factors in the institutional structure of societies, and its role in absorbing tensions and organizing interactions is of great importance. Accordingly, the present paper aims to answer the question “What structure of power is needed to be designed to achieve resistive economy pattern and to promote its dimensions?” Hence, the researcher, in a comparative analysis between neoclassical and institutional approaches considering the intellectual foundations of these two approaches in the field of power, reveals that in the neoclassical approach, the concept of power, according to the theory of “zero participation” derived from the central postulate of individualism and one-sided view of the individual to structure, is featured only in a central authority with top-down causal relationships. Whereas through surveying the above intellectual foundations in light of the institutional approach and by proposing the individual-structure interactive attitude, it is revealed that according to the Elinor Ostrom’s theory of multi-center systems, embedding and applying institutions and collective actions with bottomup causal relationships can provide important aspects of overall policies of resistive economy (such as maximizing the common participation in economic activities by facilitating and encouraging collective cooperation, to make savings in public expenditure of the country, making the economy healthy and preventing corrupt activities).
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: Oct 05 2014 | Accepted: Jun 10 2015 | ePublished: Jun 10 2015

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