Volume 19, Issue 2 (7-2014)                   JEPR 2014, 19(2): 73-118 | Back to browse issues page

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Fathollahi J, Motavasseli M, Moameni F, Najafi S M B. (2014). Introduction to Native Indicators Measuring the Productivity of the National Economy. JEPR. 19(2), 73-118.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-1186-en.html
1- , J.fathollahi@Razi.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7992 Views)
Productivity improvement, as an efficient and effective way of using inputs,is the most important aim in any economy. The first step to improve each economic variable is the recognition of current situation. There is a lot of researchmeasuring TFP in macroeconomic level but all of them calculated effiecency and neglegted effectiveness.This study is based on institutional economic framework and attempt to provide indicators that measure the effectiveness as well.To do this, we propose some indices and present Iran national productivity situation using this indices through 1973- 2008. The indicators are:  Labor input indicators such as participation index and labor productivity which is calculated by using output measures like GNP, Welfare, Human development Index and Social capital.  Indicators related to crude oil inputs that are measurable based on the amount and values of crude oil extracted. In the case of crud oil, quantity based Indicatorsis increasind but value based indicators is decreasing. Quantity base indicators for natural gas have also a downward trend.  Indices of physical capital and human capital that are declining in the period.  Total factor productivity Index based on output of GDP (a measure of efficiency) is faced with limited growth (18% growth over 34 years), but basedon the other output (a measure of effectiveness) is being reduced.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: May 10 2015 | Accepted: May 10 2015 | ePublished: May 10 2015

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