Volume 21, Issue 2 (Summer 2016)                   JEPR 2016, 21(2): 157-171 | Back to browse issues page

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Rostami V, Kamarkhani A. (2016). Competition, Taxation and Improvement of Privatization. JEPR. 21(2), 157-171.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-1486-en.html
1- Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran , vrostami@ut.ac.ir
2- Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University
Abstract:   (6619 Views)

The scientific researches have investigated the inefficiencies of government management and property. Economists and policy-makers maintain that privatization can serve to control such inefficiencies and even to inverse it. Some scholars, who have analyzed the consequences of privatization for various countries in terms of efficiency and equality, observed the positive impacts (for instance in the case of privatization in competitive markets) and negative impacts (such as privatization in infrastructures, like water); other scholars have investigated the distributive effects of privatization in terms of equality; others, through studying privatization attempted to answer this question that whether privatization alone can bring about positive impacts, or all the positive effects attributed to it results from its conjunction with other government policies. On the one hand, this study, based on the above three research types, attempts to investigate whether efficient privatization is predictable considering its relationships with other policies, specifically the competition promotion policy. On the other hand, this study focuses on the interaction between taxation and privatization, which has been neglected in most studies. The authors claim that promoting competition and improving taxation is of essential ends of an effective privatization, however the transfer of state-owned property to the private sector pertains to the short-run impact of privatization.

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Type of Study: Applicable |
Received: Apr 15 2017 | Accepted: Apr 15 2017 | ePublished: Apr 15 2017

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