1- Ph.D. of Economics, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz , Ayhan_vahid01@scu.ac.ir
2- M.A. in Economics, Islamic Azad University Branch Urmia, Iran.
Abstract: (4102 Views)
Health development requires efficient labor force to be employed in economic growth and development. This issue bears more importance in developing countries since they suffer from a shortage of human capital. This research investigates the effect of good governance in improving the government health expenditure for developing countries (2002 to 2015). Regression analysis demonstrates that government health expenditure has a positive and significant impact on the health outcome, and this effect increases with the improvement of governance. As a result, increasing the level of community health can even be done without increasing expenditures, hence resource constraints in developing countries cannot be a plausible justification. This study presents recommendations for increasing the efficiency of government expenditures.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: Mar 19 2019 | Accepted: Dec 15 2019 | ePublished: Apr 18 2020