Mahmoudi M, Banoee A. (2003). Active Population Input – Output Model Application for Estimating Economic Sectors Employment Capacity.
7(7), 3-38.
Abstract: (14852 Views)
Up to three decades ago, economic statistics could systematically meet the statistical needs and economic views quantitative analyses requirements (known as growth – centered views) in the framework of national accounts and input-output tables. However, owing to the insensitivity of these views to simultaneous survey of socio-economic issues, no attention has been paid to systematizing social statistics in line with economic statistics and this has practically caused some restrictions in the present accounting systems and the views related to it. The appearance of new economic development with human-centered approach after 1970s proved the need for systematization and integration of socio-economic statistics more than ever. Therefore, different international agencies and researchers designed middle accounting system and a wide range of models related to it such as semi input-output model, social accounting matrix model and extended social accounting matrix model. One of the major distinctions of the population input-output model with other ones is that separating household consumption on the basis of employed and unemployed households in the above-mentioned model makes it possible to link productive activities and population in a matrix form that results in an interaction between Leontief input-output production balance and population balance.
However, in other models, active population especially employment is imposed to the system from outside.
This paper tries to design a population input-output model with partial modifications and operationalization by the use of 2000 modified input – output table and minor statistics such as employment in order to estimate the number of potential employment opportunities provided for non-employed households in different economic sectors. The results of the study reveal that socio-economic and development policies in textile, clothing and leather, agriculture and food industries have priorities as far as the increase of job opportunities for the unemployed households is concerned.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: Jan 31 2012 | ePublished: May 15 2003