JalaliNaeini A, Mamdouhi A, Alimoradi M, Mojtahed-zadeh M. (2011). Prioritizing Fuel Consumption Management Strategies and Policies for Urban Transportation using Hasse Design Method.
16(1), 75-96.
1- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Institute for Management and Planning Studies
2- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University
3- Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Institute for Management and Planning Studies , m.alimoradi@imps.ac.ir
4- M.A. in Socio-Economic Systems Engineering, Institute for Management and Planning Studies
Abstract: (17669 Views)
Increasing number of urban trips and inappropriate use of motor vehicle fleet, especially private passenger cars with its unwanted consequences, including excessive increase in fuel consumption, makes it necessary to think about appropriate strategies and policies for planning and management of energy resources. This paper tries to identify fuel management strategies and policies in urban transportation, based on information gathered from 14 selected countries over the world, and to prioritize them using the Hasse diagram method (partial order theory). Based on the findings, 13 strategies and 44 policies (sub-strategies) may be categorized in three areas (fleet, transportation management, and fuel). Prioritization results of Hasse diagram method indicate that 13 policies from 10 different strategies are generally suitable for m etropolises in Iran. Superior strategy is public transportation development. Also the most appropriate policies are: 1- expanding public transportation network, 2- formulation and implementation of fleet fuel consumption efficiency standards, 3- informing users about the various transportation methods to improve travel demands which indicates remarkable priority of ‘transportation management area’ policies compared to two other areas: fleet and fuel.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: Feb 18 2012 | Accepted: Nov 20 2017 | ePublished: Nov 20 2017