Amini A, Neshat H M, Aslahchi M. (2007). Reviewing the Estimation of Employees Population Time Series in Irans Economic Sectors (1955-2006).
12(1), 47-98.
Abstract: (13092 Views)
This paper tries to estimate employees population in time series in Irans economic sectors within 1955-2006. Natural spline and monotone cubic spline interpolation methods were used in order to estimate the time series statistics of the employees population between two censuses or two consecutive samplings. An explanatory variable was chosen according to labor demand and labor market structure. For this end, the researchers have used annual value-added statistics (according to common and fixed prices in 1997), for (common and fixed prices) wages as employment as such a variable as well. Linear and non-linear approximations were selected for the employment function on the basis of corresponding estimates with labor market characteristics and structure. This study enjoys more statistical data used as nodes compared to precious studies. It has used more advanced interpolation methods which depend on less limiting assumptions. The results of this study show the fluctuations of employment in a better manner than before. Moreover, the trend of employment is more steady and logical.
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Received: Jul 19 2011 | ePublished: Apr 15 2007