Volume 12, Issue 1 (April,May 2007)                   JEPR 2007, 12(1): 99-124 | Back to browse issues page

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Souri H, Sadr S K. (2007). Exploring Influential Factors in the Increase of Income in the Endowed (Waqf) Shops in the Bazaar of Tehran. JEPR. 12(1), 99-124.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-61-en.html
1- , un@hsouri.com
Abstract:   (16713 Views)
The increase of incomes in Irans endowents (Waqfs) could have an outstanding role in providing a part of public services needed in the society and betterment of income distribution and as a result endowers and benefactors would play a part in meeting greater portion of these services. Materializing this objective requires an all-out development of endowment (Waqt) services as wall as better operation of the endowed properties thus requiring the exploring of influential factors in the increase of endowments incomes as a crucial and vital necessity. With this goal in mind, the researches chose and studied a sample of commercial properties community in central and southern district of Tehran, where economically important Bazaar of Tehran is located. The results of the model studied in this paper show the amount of income gained from leasing the endowed shops in Bazaar of Tehran as the major income resource of such shops in 2003 was not considerable compared to that of non-endowed shops and the extent of income of the endowed shops depends on the management methods of endowments. Average income of endowed shops under management of the Endowments (A wqat) Organization is less than that of endowed shops run by elected board of trustees. Moreover, some spatial factors and local characteristics such as being located in the main Bazaar, being situated in the shopping center of the same line of goods, being in the north side of Bazaar or in the first floor of shopping malls would play important role as well. This paper offers twofold policy and executive recommendations so as to increase the incomes of endowed shops through giving the management responsibility of such shops to managers other than managers of Endowments (A wqaf) and Benefaction Affairs Organization second, changing local and spatial characteristics such as transforming the alleys in Bazaar of Tehran and joining them into main Bazaar, downsizing the shops, shortening the period of the endowed shops leasing contracts, decentralizing same-line-goods market in Bazaar and extending it to other shopping centers where endowed shops are located and lastly, delegating more powers to business partners in the endowed shops with shared ownership. These recommendations could pave the way for the betterment of leasing income related to approximately 5500 endowed shops in the Bazaar district resulting in their better socio-economic performance in line with what the endowers had wished and toward the development of public services.
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Type of Study: Applicable |
Received: Jul 19 2011 | ePublished: Apr 15 2007

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