Volume 17, Issue 2 (8-2012)                   JEPR 2012, 17(2): 175-207 | Back to browse issues page

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Tabibi M, Dadfar M. (2012). Strategic Control Variables in Downsizing Process of Iran's Governmental Organizations from the Viewpoints of Managers and Experts in Mazandaran Governor-General Office and its Affiliated Bodies . JEPR. 17(2), 175-207.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-616-en.html
1- , mreza.tabibi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (17953 Views)
Downsizing is a method of making structural reforms in governmental sector. Downsizing signifies that the reduction of executive expenses leads the government to the achievement of its main functions, namely: supervision, leadership and sovereignty affairs, consistent with Islamic good governance in governmental organizations. An outstandingly fundamental subject in a successful downsizing is the strategic control in the downsizing process. Strategic control could be assumed as the dominant approach, trying to devise a strategic planning from the start to the execution in any agency, organization or institution. This indicates that downsizing requires a procedural approach therefore it needs a gradual and stage-based method, and strategic control can play such a role in downsizing process. This research takes 'downsizing' as the independent variable, and 'strategic control' as the dependent variable to examine strategic control variables in downsizing process. Therefore, having explained the models of these two variables, an integrated model was composed. This research is an applied type that uses descriptive survey method and its data are analyzed by SPSS software and other statistical methods. The research population was 334 persons out of whom 75 persons were taken for estimation through random sampling method. A questionnaire was devised to collect the information. The results indicated that the managers of Mazandaran Governor-General Office and its affiliated bodies asserted on the necessity to apply strategic control in the downsizing process in individual, organizational as well as individual-organizational levels. In this way, all three hypotheses of the research were affirmed as the significance level (P) in all the items was less than 5 percent, and the value of (T), resulted in all the items, is greater than the that of the table (1.96). Moreover, regarding the extension of hypotheses by complete induction with the aim of attaining certitude on the subject, the researchers recommend such an emphasis on strategic control in downsizing Iranian governmental organizations.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: Feb 19 2013 | Accepted: Aug 26 2013 | ePublished: Aug 26 2013

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