Volume 17, Issue 3 (11-2012)                   JEPR 2012, 17(3): 79-95 | Back to browse issues page

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Bolou G, Moazez E, Khan-Hosseini D, NikooNesbati M. (2012). The Relationship between Managers’ Standpoints and ‘Sticky Prices’ in Tehran Stock Exchange. JEPR. 17(3), 79-95.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-637-en.html
1- , khanhossini@gmail.com
Abstract:   (22843 Views)
Studies conducted on the behavior of costs indicate that costs do not change proportionately to the fluctuations of selling. In other words, costs increase in proportion to selling increases, yet they do not decrease proportionate to selling decreases such a disproportionate behavior of costs is known as ‘sticky costs’. There are two prevailing theories on this phenomenon. The first theory holds that sticky costs are as a result of deliberate decisions made by managers while the latter holds that sticky costs might be the result of the fact that costs could not be reduced simultaneously and as speedily as selling decreases. So far, the deliberate decisions of managers have not been tested. Therefore, this study tries to test the former theory, i.e. deliberate decisions through managers’ selling predictions for future. The results of the research, based on the data related to the enterprises admitted to Tehran Stock Exchange for a five year period (2005-2009) shows that when the managers are optimistic about the selling in the future, the sticky prices increase.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: Mar 11 2013 | Accepted: Aug 26 2013 | ePublished: Aug 26 2013

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