Volume 19, Issue 3 (6-2014)                   JEPR 2014, 19(3): 69-92 | Back to browse issues page

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abasinejad H, sadeghi M, ramezani H. (2014). The economics of crime and abnormalities (case study of homicide, Manslaughter, Larceny, Violent Crimes). JEPR. 19(3), 69-92.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-904-en.html
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Abstract:   (6727 Views)
The applied economic models in this study reveal if policy makers aren’t simultaneously able to eradicate inflation and unemployment they have first to solve the problem of unemployment and then solve the problem of inflation. Since this model obviously reveal that unemployment has more destructive effects on than inflation. It must be mentioned that, the importance of Institutional variables such as irregular industrialization, increasing urbanization, and quantity and quality of societies’ literacy is not ignorable. In this sense, they must be amended and improved in short terms and long terms plans. As a result they have intensive effects on crimes. On the other hand, since these components characterized as Institutional elements the process of their changing is so gradual and progressive and usually short terms and sectional solutions is not applied for them.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: Oct 30 2013 | Accepted: Jun 10 2015 | ePublished: Jun 10 2015

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