Volume 9, Issue 3 (August,September 2004)                   JEPR 2004, 9(3): 37-66 | Back to browse issues page

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Harandi F. (2004). Decent Work and its Indicators in Iran. JEPR. 9(3), 37-66.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-106-en.html
Abstract:   (13093 Views)
Decent work is a new concept that has recently entered in international labor market economic literature and according to a good number of authorities it is one of the major aspects of sustainable developments that can lead to poverty reduction. On the other hand, International Labor Office (ILO) has Considered Decent Work as the basis of its major framework of activities. ILO intends to encourage the countries to collect the information needed for making Decent Work Indicators instead of traditional focus on gathering the labor force information about employment, unemployment and working hours. This paper defines the decent work and considers it as a comprehensive concept for evaluating Irans employment situation. Then it expresses ILO recommended statistical indicators for evaluating decent work. In the end, it proposes values for some of the decent work indicators that could be calculated in Iran. It should be noted that the definitions and concepts of the items that were referred to while defining the indicators such as employment, unemployment, underemployment and the like follow the latest ILO standard definitions and concepts (Harandi, 2003).
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Type of Study: Applicable |
Received: Sep 26 2011 | ePublished: Jul 15 2004

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