Volume 18, Issue 4 (1-2014)                   JEPR 2014, 18(4): 161-195 | Back to browse issues page

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Banafi M, Noruzi M. (2014). A Problem-Oriented Analysis Of Operationalization of Meta Policy in Operational Programs: Policy Considerations. JEPR. 18(4), 161-195.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-1121-en.html
1- , banafi@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8642 Views)
Governments are considered as complex social systems. Handling and controlling these systems are very intricate. In order to achieve ideal results, national politicians and policymakers intervene purposefully in these systems. Arranging Meta documents and accrediting them are considered of these purposeful efforts to reach the expected outcomes in operational level and to achieve objective, observable and planned changes. However, some challenges are arisen in the process of implementation and operationalization of these Meta documents which make the obtained results different from what were expected. Focusing on Islamic Republic of Iran's state, this study scrutinizes the challenges in the process of operationalization of Meta policies into executive programs by employing system theory and indicating how the expected results of purposeful interventions fail. Finally, in addition to providing considerations, this study presents policy and practical implications in this area. The results of this study show that training managers, experts and scholars who have enough competencies in solving and analyzing the qualitative-quantitative paradoxes in Meta documents and in supportive programs and implementation is very effective. Moreover, establishing an institution for observing and monitoring national indices based on appropriate statistical and quantitative data and its centrality to public and private organization is very necessary. Redefinition of appropriate composite indices, appropriate operationalizing of statistical and quantitative indices in order to avoiding policy and implementation paradoxes and creating companionship and synchronism in implementation level are the other implications of this study.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: Jan 14 2015 | Accepted: Jan 14 2015 | ePublished: Jan 14 2015

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