Volume 12, Issue 4 (Autumn & Winter 2007)                   JEPR 2007, 12(4): 157-185 | Back to browse issues page

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Keshavarzian Peyvasti A, Aali S. (2007). Evaluating East Azarbaijan Provinces Leather Industry Exporters Capability. JEPR. 12(4), 157-185.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-34-en.html
1- , Peyvasti@gmail.com
Abstract:   (13904 Views)
Global markets have opened their gates to the free flow of products, services, investments and other economic activities and the amount of impediments on the way of trade in global level have become less moreover, the improvement of communication media have downsized the effect of time and space in commercial transactions. Vast changes in various fields have markedly transformed the nature of economic activities and the international market is potentially subject to any type of economic activity. Yet, any operation in this potential environment for international trade requires that exporters capabilities be improved so that they could realize the requirements of the new situations, get aware of their weaknesses and try to overcome them. Accordingly, a good number of standards are devised to make sure that exporters are capable enough. Likewise, extensive programs are designed and implemented to develop the exporters capacities. This paper tries to evaluate East Azarbaijan provincial exporters capabilities through the use of the techniques concerned as well as to suggest solutions for improving their capacities through analyzing their weaknesses and strengths. This paper is composed of the following parts: Introduction, a review of the domestic and foreign studies, theoretical review of the related literature, research methodology, leather production situation in East Azarbaijan, Evaluation of the provincial leather exporters capability level, and Conclusion. Result of the related field studies reveals that East Azarbaijan provincial leather exporters capabilities level is 7.2, which is lower that the average number. According to the methodology the average capability level number is 11.5.
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Type of Study: Applicable |
Received: Jul 04 2011 | ePublished: Jul 15 2007

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