Keshavarzian Peyvasti A, Azimi chanzagh A. (2006). Analyzing Institutional (Administrative-Executive) Barriers of Industrial Investment: Western Azerbaijan Provinces Case Study.
11(5), 3-50.
Abstract: (15490 Views)
Second half of 20th century marks the beginning of the endeavors of the world states toward achieving economic growh and development. This is a not an incidental development and increased the level of social welfare with the help of progressive cultural, political and social variables using industrial development strategy. Afterwards, third world newly independent countries designed various development plans and began to walk along the path of economic development with industrial characteristics. In this era, few countries were able to reach the status of developed countries while the attempts of most third world countries were of no avail. The failure of development plans in different parts of world lead to the emergence of assorted economic schools of economic development. Each of these schools explained the reasons and barriers of economic development in a cartain way. Nonetheless, all these accounts could be summarized in a statement: They were all endogenous. Believing in the indigenousness of development requires that every region commence growth and development from itself. Though in order to reach this purpose, first one should pinpoint and examine the obstacles ahead of economic development. In development issues, industrial development is more important in a way that most of intellectuals take economic development as synonymous to industrial development. This research tries to identify the barriers in the road of industrial institutional (administrative-executive) obstacles. Acquaintance with the barriers that industrial investors bump into in administrative-executive process would be a starting point for removing the barriers of industrial development.
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Received: Jul 30 2011 | ePublished: Dec 15 2006