Volume 7, Issue 7 (5-2003)                   JEPR 2003, 7(7): 79-103 | Back to browse issues page

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Hosseini Y, Eskandari A. (2003). Survey of Managers’ Office Terms and the Factors Influencing them in the Less-Developed Provinces: Boushehr Province Case study. JEPR. 7(7), 79-103.
URL: http://jpbud.ir/article-1-223-en.html
Abstract:   (10457 Views)
In the modern world’s complicated organizations, management seems more outstanding than ever, compared with other three key organizational factors i.e. labour, capitals and raw materials. While the capitals span the continents in search of more profits, and human technological developments degrade the importance of raw materials, management has become a factor that plays a determining role in the world’s competitive era. Playing a highly recognizable role in development and advances, management is regarded an essential need to do researches on this challenging matter that organizations and researchers confront with. According to the studies undertaken to rank the provinces in Iran, seven provinces have been identified as the less-developed ones whose managerial situations have always been assumed as one of the factors of the problem by the researchers and planners. Lack of a suitable environment for retaining managers, inappropriate designations of managers, cultural restrictions, insufficient facilities, etc are some of the factors that could have a major role in the matter. Hence, it necessitates a research on the ways of managers’ selection and designation in the less-developed provinces using a retrospective view to face the problem seriously. This paper particularly tries to study retrospectively the management problems in Boushehr as a less-developed province. It intends to find the average office terms of managers and to survey the factors influencing their office terms as well.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: Jan 31 2012 | ePublished: May 15 2003

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